Mel Ignatow


Is Mel Ignatow Dead or Still Alive? Mel Ignatow Birthday and Date of Death

Mel Ignatow

Mel Ignatow Death

Mel passed away on September 1, 2008 at the age of 70.

Mel Ignatow death quick facts:
  • When did Mel Ignatow die?

    September 1, 2008
  • How old was Mel Ignatow when died?


Mel Ignatow Birthday and Date of Death

Mel Ignatow was born on March 26, 1938 and died on September 1, 2008. Mel was 70 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 26, 1938
Date of Death: September 1, 2008
Age at Death: 70

Mel Ignatow - Biography

Mel Ignatow (March 26, 1938 – September 1, 2008) was a resident of Louisville, Kentucky, U.S., who was accused of murdering his former girlfriend, Brenda Sue Schaefer, in 1988. The case was controversial because Ignatow was acquitted of the charge, but photographs proving his guilt were uncovered after the trial. Under the legal principle of double jeopardy, however, Ignatow could not be tried a second time for the murder. He was, instead, convicted and jailed for perjury in his grand jury testimony for the case on several occasions.