Mezz Mezzrow Death
Milton passed away on August 5, 1972 at the age of 72.
When did Mezz Mezzrow die?
August 5, 1972How old was Mezz Mezzrow when died?
Mezz Mezzrow Birthday and Date of Death
Mezz Mezzrow was born on November 9, 1899 and died on August 5, 1972. Milton was 72 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 9, 1899
Date of Death: August 5, 1972
Age at Death: 72
Mezz Mezzrow - Biography
Milton Mesirow, better known as Mezz Mezzrow (November 9, 1899 – August 5, 1972) was an American jazz clarinetist and saxophonist from Chicago, Illinois. Mezzrow is well known for organizing and financing historic recording sessions with Tommy Ladnier and Sidney Bechet. Mezzrow also recorded a number of times with Bechet and briefly acted as manager for Louis Armstrong. He is equally well remembered, however, for being a colorful character, as clearly portrayed in his autobiography Really the Blues, as for his music. The book, which takes its title from a Bechet musical piece, was co-written by Bernard Wolfe and first published in 1946.