Milton Canady


Is Milton Canady Dead or Still Alive? Milton Canady Birthday and Date of Death

Milton Canady

Milton Canady Death

Milton passed away on August 11, 2013 at the age of 52 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Milton Canady death quick facts:
  • When did Milton Canady die?

    August 11, 2013
  • How old was Milton Canady when died?

  • Where did Milton Canady die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Milton Canady Birthday and Date of Death

Milton Canady was born on April 5, 1961 and died on August 11, 2013. Milton was 52 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 5, 1961
Date of Death: August 11, 2013
Age at Death: 52

Milton Canady - Biography

Milton Canady (born April 5, 1961) is an American Actor and Comedian.Milton was born and raised in Wilmington, North Carolina, His Mother, Doris Canady was a Realtor, and his Father, William Canady (Deceased), was a Longshoreman Foreman in North Carolina's Port City.Milton first earned national attention as "Milton" a recurring role on the sitcom Home Improvement starring Tim Allen. Milton was a classmate of Michael Jordan at Wilmington's E.A. Laney High School, where he was a School Bus Driver, and starred in several theater plays including, A Raisin in the sun.