Mischa Mischakoff Death
Mischa passed away on February 1, 1981 at the age of 85.
Mischa Mischakoff death quick facts:
When did Mischa Mischakoff die?
February 1, 1981How old was Mischa Mischakoff when died?
Mischa Mischakoff Birthday and Date of Death
Mischa Mischakoff was born on April 16, 1895 and died on February 1, 1981. Mischa was 85 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 16, 1895
Date of Death: February 1, 1981
Age at Death: 85
Mischa Mischakoff - Biography
Mischa Mischakoff (April 16, 1895 – February 1, 1981) was an outstanding violinist who, as a concertmaster, led many of America's greatest orchestras from the 1920s to the 1960s.