Nancy Dolman


Is Nancy Dolman Dead or Still Alive? Nancy Dolman Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Dolman

Nancy Dolman Death

Nancy passed away on August 21, 2010 at the age of 58 in Pacific Ocean, Califonia. Nancy's cause of death was ovarian cancer, (officially,natural causes).

Nancy Dolman death quick facts:
  • When did Nancy Dolman die?

    August 21, 2010
  • How did Nancy Dolman die? What was the cause of death?

    Ovarian cancer, (officially,natural causes)
  • How old was Nancy Dolman when died?

  • Where did Nancy Dolman die? What was the location of death?

    Pacific Ocean, Califonia

Nancy Dolman Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Dolman was born on September 26, 1951 and died on August 21, 2010. Nancy was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 26, 1951
Date of Death: August 21, 2010
Age at Death: 58

Nancy Dolman - Biography

Nancy Jane Dolman (September 26, 1951 – August 21, 2010) was a Canadian comic actress and singer. She was most notable for her recurring role as Annie Selig Tate on the ABC sitcom Soap. She appeared in her husband Martin Short's 1985 cable television special Martin Short: Concert for the North Americas.