Pamela Voorhees


Is Pamela Voorhees Dead or Still Alive? Pamela Voorhees Birthday and Date of Death

Pamela Voorhees

Pamela Voorhees Death

Pamela Voorhees passed away on June 13, 1980 at the age of 50.

Pamela Voorhees death quick facts:
  • When did Pamela Voorhees die?

    June 13, 1980
  • How old was Pamela Voorhees when died?


Pamela Voorhees Birthday and Date of Death

Pamela Voorhees was born on January 1, 1930 and died on June 13, 1980. Pamela Voorhees was 50 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 1, 1930
Date of Death: June 13, 1980
Age at Death: 50

Pamela Voorhees - Biography

Pamela Voorhees (née Sue) (1930 - June 13, 1980), more commonly known as simply Mrs. Voorhees, was the mother of Jason Voorhees. After his supposed drowning in 1957, Pamela swore revenge on the counselors of Camp Crystal Lake and proceeded to prevent the camp from reopening through murder, water poisoning and arson. When Steve Christy sought to reopen the camp in 1980, Pamela resurfaced to murder the newly hired counselors. After killing most of them, Pamela was beheaded by counselor Alice Hardy. Jason constructed an altar to Pamela's remains and continued killing those who intruded in the area to continue her work. Pamela often appears to her son through visions and hallucinations. Following her death, her spirit has been known to possess people several times.