Patricia Blair


Is Patricia Blair Dead or Still Alive? Patricia Blair Birthday and Date of Death

Patricia Blair

Patricia Blair Death

Patricia passed away on September 9, 2013 at the age of 80 in North Wildwood, New Jersey, USA. Patricia's cause of death was breast cancer.

Patricia Blair death quick facts:
  • When did Patricia Blair die?

    September 9, 2013
  • How did Patricia Blair die? What was the cause of death?

    Breast cancer
  • How old was Patricia Blair when died?

  • Where did Patricia Blair die? What was the location of death?

    North Wildwood, New Jersey, USA

Patricia Blair Birthday and Date of Death

Patricia Blair was born on January 15, 1933 and died on September 9, 2013. Patricia was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 15, 1933
Date of Death: September 9, 2013
Age at Death: 80

Patricia Blair - Biography

Patricia Blair (born Patsy Lou Blake; January 15, 1933 – September 9, 2013) was an American television and film actress, primarily on 1950s and 1960s television. She is best known as Rebecca Boone in all six seasons of NBC's Daniel Boone, with co-stars Fess Parker, Darby Hinton, Veronica Cartwright, and Ed Ames. She also played Lou Mallory on the ABC western series The Rifleman, in which she was cast in assorted roles in 22 episodes with Chuck Connors, Johnny Crawford and Paul Fix.
Patsy Lou Blake was born in Fort Worth, Texas and grew up in Dallas. She became a teenage model through the Conover Agency. While acting in summer stock, Warner Bros. discovered her and she began acting in films under the names Patricia Blake and Pat Blake. In the late 1950s she appeared as the second female lead in several films for Warner Bros. and later for MGM. Her first movie was Jump Into Hell (1955), about the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in French Indochina.

Blair had considered moving to New York City in 1964 until screenwriter Gordon Chase helped her get a role on the NBC series Daniel Boone. She played wife Rebecca Boone, opposite Fess Parker for six seasons, with Darby Hinton as son Israel and Veronica Cartwright as daughter Jemima. After the series ended in 1970, she appeared in a few minor films and television spots. Her last appearance in a feature film was in 1979, portraying a fashion narrator in The Electric Horseman starring Robert Redford. In her later years she produced trade shows in New York and New Jersey.
On February 14, 1965, the 30-year-old Blair married 42-year-old land developer Martin S. Colbert in Los Angeles, California. The couple divorced in 1993. Colbert died in 1994.