Pete Candoli


Is Pete Candoli Dead or Still Alive? Pete Candoli Birthday and Date of Death

Pete Candoli

Pete Candoli Death

Pete passed away on January 11, 2008 at the age of 84 in Studio City, California. Pete's cause of death was prostate cancer.

Pete Candoli death quick facts:
  • When did Pete Candoli die?

    January 11, 2008
  • How did Pete Candoli die? What was the cause of death?

    Prostate cancer
  • How old was Pete Candoli when died?

  • Where did Pete Candoli die? What was the location of death?

    Studio City, California

Pete Candoli Birthday and Date of Death

Pete Candoli was born on June 28, 1923 and died on January 11, 2008. Pete was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 28, 1923
Date of Death: January 11, 2008
Age at Death: 84

Pete Candoli - Biography

Pete Candoli (born Walter Joseph Candoli; June 28, 1923 – January 11, 2008) was an American jazz trumpeter and the brother of trumpeter Conte Candoli. He played with the big bands of Woody Herman, Stan Kenton, and many others, and worked extensively in the studios of the recording and television industries.