Ralph Foody


Is Ralph Foody Dead or Still Alive? Ralph Foody Birthday and Date of Death

Ralph Foody

Ralph Foody Death

Ralph passed away on November 21, 1999 at the age of 71 in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Ralph's cause of death was cancer.

Ralph Foody death quick facts:
  • When did Ralph Foody die?

    November 21, 1999
  • How did Ralph Foody die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Ralph Foody when died?

  • Where did Ralph Foody die? What was the location of death?

    Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Ralph Foody Birthday and Date of Death

Ralph Foody was born on November 13, 1928 and died on November 21, 1999. Ralph was 71 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 13, 1928
Date of Death: November 21, 1999
Age at Death: 71

Ralph Foody - Biography

Ralph Wesley Foody (November 13, 1928 – November 21, 1999) was a character actor. He has several screen credits from the 1980s, but is probably best known for his bit part in Home Alone and its sequel as stereotypical 1930s mobster "Johnny" in its meta-film Angels with Filthy Souls and its sequel Angels with Even Filthier Souls (both are a parody of Angels with Dirty Faces).
Foody also played "Det. Cragie" the alcoholic and the negligent Chicago cop in Code of Silence, as well as the police dispatcher in The Blues Brothers. He was also known for his incredible wit and was often referred to as "The Witster" on set.

He died of cancer in 1999.