Richard Condon


Is Richard Condon Dead or Still Alive? Richard Condon Birthday and Date of Death

Richard Condon

Richard Condon Death

Richard passed away on April 9, 1996 at the age of 81 in Dallas, Texas, United States.

Richard Condon death quick facts:
  • When did Richard Condon die?

    April 9, 1996
  • How old was Richard Condon when died?

  • Where did Richard Condon die? What was the location of death?

    Dallas, Texas, United States

Richard Condon Birthday and Date of Death

Richard Condon was born on March 18, 1915 and died on April 9, 1996. Richard was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 18, 1915
Date of Death: April 9, 1996
Age at Death: 81

Richard Condon - Biography

Richard Thomas Condon (March 18, 1915 in New York City – April 9, 1996 in Dallas, Texas) was a prolific and popular American political novelist whose satiric works were generally presented in the form of thrillers or semi-thrillers. More than being particularly clever genre works, however, all 26 books were written in a style nearly always instantly recognizable as Condon's, while their focus was almost always obsessively directed at monetary greed and political corruption. Fast-moving and easily accessible, they generally combined elements of political satire, bare-knuckled outrage at the greed and corruption of those in power, and were written with extravagant characterizations and a uniquely sparkling and frequently humorous style. Condon himself once said: "Every book I've ever written has been about abuse of power. I feel very strongly about that. I'd like people to know how deeply their politicians wrong them." Condon occasionally achieved bestseller status, and many of his books were made into films, but today he is primarily remembered for two of his works: an early book, The Manchurian Candidate of 1959, and, many years later, for four novels about a family of New York gangsters named Prizzi.