Richard Selzer


Is Richard Selzer Dead or Still Alive? Richard Selzer Birthday and Date of Death

Richard Selzer

Richard Selzer Death

Richard passed away on October 19, 2008 at the age of 86 in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Richard's cause of death was complications from an intestinal infection.

Richard Selzer death quick facts:
  • When did Richard Selzer die?

    October 19, 2008
  • How did Richard Selzer die? What was the cause of death?

    Complications from an intestinal infection
  • How old was Richard Selzer when died?

  • Where did Richard Selzer die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, CA, USA

Richard Selzer Birthday and Date of Death

Richard Selzer was born on August 29, 1922 and died on October 19, 2008. Richard was 86 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 29, 1922
Date of Death: October 19, 2008
Age at Death: 86

Richard Selzer - Biography

Richard Blackwell (August 29, 1922 – October 19, 2008) was an American fashion critic, journalist, television and radio personality, artist, former child actor and former fashion designer, sometimes known just as Mr. Blackwell. He was the creator of the "Ten Worst Dressed Women List", an annual awards presentation he unveiled in January of each year. He published the "Fabulous Fashion Independents" list and an annual Academy Awards fashion review, both of which receive somewhat less media attention. His longtime companion, former Beverly Hills hairdresser Robert Spencer, managed him. He wrote two books, Mr. Blackwell: 30 Years of Fashion Fiascos and an autobiography, From Rags to Bitches.