Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria Death
Rudolf passed away on January 30, 1889 at the age of 30 in Mayerling, Austria-Hungary. Rudolf's cause of death was suicide.
When did Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria die?
January 30, 1889How did Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria die? What was the cause of death?
SuicideHow old was Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria when died?
30Where did Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria die? What was the location of death?
Mayerling, Austria-Hungary
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria Birthday and Date of Death
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria was born on August 21, 1858 and died on January 30, 1889. Rudolf was 30 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: August 21, 1858
Date of Death: January 30, 1889
Age at Death: 30
Is Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria's father, Franz Joseph I of Austria, dead or alive?
Franz Joseph I of Austria's information is not available now.
Is Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria's mother, Empress Elisabeth of Austria, dead or alive?
Empress Elisabeth of Austria's information is not available now.
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria's sisters :
Rudolf has 3 sisters:Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria's sister, Archduchess Gisela of Austria, died on July 27, 1932 as he was 76 years old.
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria's sister, Archduchess Sophie of Austria, died on May 29, 1857 as he was 2 years old. His cause of death was dehydration.
- Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria - Biography
Rudolf, who was Archduke of Austria and Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, was the heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian Empire from birth. In 1889, he died in a suicide pact with his mistress, Baroness Mary Vetsera, at the Mayerling hunting lodge. The ensuing scandal made international headlines. He was named after the first Habsburg Holy Roman King, Rudolf I of Germany, who assumed the throne in 1273.