Ruth Becker Blanchard


Is Ruth Becker Blanchard Dead or Still Alive? Ruth Becker Blanchard Birthday and Date of Death

Ruth Becker Blanchard

Ruth Becker Blanchard Death

Ruth passed away on July 6, 1990 at the age of 90.

Ruth Becker Blanchard death quick facts:
  • When did Ruth Becker Blanchard die?

    July 6, 1990
  • How old was Ruth Becker Blanchard when died?


Ruth Becker Blanchard Birthday and Date of Death

Ruth Becker Blanchard was born on October 28, 1899 and died on July 6, 1990. Ruth was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 28, 1899
Date of Death: July 6, 1990
Age at Death: 90

Ruth Becker Blanchard - Biography

Ruth Elizabeth Becker (October 28, 1899 – July 6, 1990) was one of the last remaining survivors of the sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912.