Sherman Maxwell


Is Sherman Maxwell Dead or Still Alive? Sherman Maxwell Birthday and Date of Death

Sherman Maxwell

Sherman Maxwell Death

Sherman passed away on July 16, 2008 at the age of 100 in Chester County Hospital in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Sherman's cause of death was pneumonia.

Sherman Maxwell death quick facts:
  • When did Sherman Maxwell die?

    July 16, 2008
  • How did Sherman Maxwell die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Sherman Maxwell when died?

  • Where did Sherman Maxwell die? What was the location of death?

    Chester County Hospital in West Chester, Pennsylvania

Sherman Maxwell Birthday and Date of Death

Sherman Maxwell was born on December 18, 1907 and died on July 16, 2008. Sherman was 100 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 18, 1907
Date of Death: July 16, 2008
Age at Death: 100

Is Sherman Maxwell's father, William Maxwell, dead or alive?

Sherman Maxwell's father, William Maxwell, is still alive and kicking.

Is Sherman Maxwell's mother, Bessie Maxwell, dead or alive?

Bessie Maxwell's information is not available now.

Sherman Maxwell - Biography

Sherman Leander Maxwell was an American sportscaster and chronicler of the Negro league baseball league. Many veteran journalists of his day, including Sam Lacy of the Baltimore Afro-American, believed that Maxwell was the first African American sports broadcaster in history. It was an assertion that many in the mainstream press also accepted, and Maxwell himself sometimes stated that he had in fact been the first. He was known by the nickname of Jocko. Despite his many accomplishments over a broadcasting career of more than four decades, Maxwell was rarely paid by the radio stations he worked for during his career.