Sig Arno Death
Sig passed away on August 17, 1975 at the age of 79.
Sig Arno death quick facts:
When did Sig Arno die?
August 17, 1975How old was Sig Arno when died?
Sig Arno Birthday and Date of Death
Sig Arno was born on December 27, 1895 and died on August 17, 1975. Sig was 79 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 27, 1895
Date of Death: August 17, 1975
Age at Death: 79
Sig Arno - Biography
Sig Arno (27 December 1895 – 17 August 1975) was a German-Jewish film actor who appeared in such films as Pardon My Sarong and The Mummy's Hand. He may be best remembered from The Palm Beach Story (1942) as "Toto", the nonsense-talking mustachioed man who hopelessly pursues Mary Astor's "Princess Centimillia".