Sylvia Fine


Is Sylvia Fine Dead or Still Alive? Sylvia Fine Birthday and Date of Death

Sylvia Fine

Sylvia Fine Death

Sylvia passed away on October 28, 1991 at the age of 78.

Sylvia Fine death quick facts:
  • When did Sylvia Fine die?

    October 28, 1991
  • How old was Sylvia Fine when died?


Sylvia Fine Birthday and Date of Death

Sylvia Fine was born on August 29, 1913 and died on October 28, 1991. Sylvia was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 29, 1913
Date of Death: October 28, 1991
Age at Death: 78

Sylvia Fine - Biography

Sylvia Fine (29 August 1913 – 28 October 1991) was an American lyricist, composer, and producer, and the wife of the comedian Danny Kaye. She and her future husband grew up within blocks of each other in Brooklyn, but did not meet until 1939.