Taiji Tonoyama


Is Taiji Tonoyama Dead or Still Alive? Taiji Tonoyama Birthday and Date of Death

Taiji Tonoyama

Taiji Tonoyama Death

Taiji passed away on April 30, 1989 at the age of 73 in Japan.

Taiji Tonoyama death quick facts:
  • When did Taiji Tonoyama die?

    April 30, 1989
  • How old was Taiji Tonoyama when died?

  • Where did Taiji Tonoyama die? What was the location of death?


Taiji Tonoyama Birthday and Date of Death

Taiji Tonoyama was born on October 17, 1915 and died on April 30, 1989. Taiji was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 17, 1915
Date of Death: April 30, 1989
Age at Death: 73

Taiji Tonoyama - Biography

Taiji Tonoyama (殿山 泰司, Tonoyama Taiji, 1915–1989) was a Japanese character actor who made many appearances in films and on television from 1939 to 1989. He was a close friend of Kaneto Shindo and one of his regular cast members. He was also an essayist. In 1950 he helped form the film company Kindai Eiga Kyokai with Shindo and Kozaburo Yoshimura.