Takashi Shimura


Is Takashi Shimura Dead or Still Alive? Takashi Shimura Birthday and Date of Death

Takashi Shimura

Takashi Shimura Death

Takashi passed away on February 11, 1982 at the age of 76.

Takashi Shimura death quick facts:
  • When did Takashi Shimura die?

    February 11, 1982
  • How old was Takashi Shimura when died?


Takashi Shimura Birthday and Date of Death

Takashi Shimura was born on March 12, 1905 and died on February 11, 1982. Takashi was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 12, 1905
Date of Death: February 11, 1982
Age at Death: 76

Takashi Shimura - Biography

Takashi Shimura (志村 喬, Shimura Takashi, March 12, 1905 – February 11, 1982) was a Japanese actor who appeared in over 200 films between 1934 and 1981. He is particularly noted for his appearances in 21 of Akira Kurosawa's 30 films, including as a lead actor in Drunken Angel (1948), Ikiru (1952) and Seven Samurai (1954).