Teresa Earnhardt


Is Teresa Earnhardt Dead or Still Alive? Teresa Earnhardt Birthday and Age

Teresa Earnhardt

How Old Is Teresa Earnhardt? Teresa Earnhardt Birthday

Teresa Earnhardt was born on October 29, 1958 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: October 29, 1958
How Old - Age: 65

Teresa Earnhardt Death Fact Check

Teresa is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Teresa Earnhardt - Biography

Teresa Earnhardt (née Houston; born October 29, 1958) is the third wife and widow of Dale Earnhardt. She is the biological mother of Taylor Nicole Earnhardt (born December 20, 1988) and she is the stepmother of Kerry Earnhardt, Kelley Earnhardt Miller and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Teresa is currently the president and Chief Executive Officer of Dale Earnhardt Inc.
Teresa headed Dale Earnhardt, Inc. (DEI) during four Busch Series championships in 1998, 1999, 2004 and 2005 plus two Craftsman Truck Series championships in 1996 and 1997. Her first Daytona 500 win as a team owner occurred when driver of the #15 Chevrolet driven by Michael Waltrip won at the 2001 race. The win, however, was overshadowed by her husband's death in a crash during the final lap of the race.

Teresa's strained relationship with her stepson Dale Earnhardt Jr. ended in May 2007 when he announced he would not be returning to DEI for the 2008 season after an agreement could not be reached that suited himself and his three siblings who claim equal right to the business.
In late 2006, Teresa hired entertainment executive Max Siegel as President of Global Operations to help DEI expand into the entertainment industry. On July 25, 2007, DEI purchased Ginn Racing.