Tommy Thomas


Is Tommy Thomas Dead or Still Alive? Tommy Thomas Birthday and Date of Death

Tommy Thomas

Tommy Thomas Death

Alphonse passed away on April 27, 1988 at the age of 88 in Dallastown, PA.

Tommy Thomas death quick facts:
  • When did Tommy Thomas die?

    April 27, 1988
  • How old was Tommy Thomas when died?

  • Where did Tommy Thomas die? What was the location of death?

    Dallastown, PA

Tommy Thomas Birthday and Date of Death

Tommy Thomas was born on December 23, 1899 and died on April 27, 1988. Alphonse was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 23, 1899
Date of Death: April 27, 1988
Age at Death: 88

Tommy Thomas - Biography

Alphonse "Tommy" Thomas (December 23, 1899 – April 27, 1988), was an American professional baseball pitcher who played in Major League Baseball from 1926 to 1937. He would play for the Chicago White Sox, Washington Senators, Philadelphia Phillies, St. Louis Browns, and Boston Red Sox. From 1926 through 1929 with the White Sox, Thomas finished in the top 10 in the American League in earned run average three times and in wins three times. In 1927 he led the American League with 36 games started and tied for the American League lead with 307 2/3 innings pitched, and in 1929 he led the league with 24 complete games. In 1926 he held opposing hitters to a .244 batting average, leading all American League pitchers. In 1928, he finished 15th in the balloting for American League Most Valuable Player.