Victor Emmanuel II of Italy


Is Victor Emmanuel II of Italy Dead or Still Alive? Victor Emmanuel II of Italy Birthday and Date of Death

Victor Emmanuel II of Italy

Victor Emmanuel II of Italy Death

Victor passed away on January 9, 1878 at the age of 57.

Victor Emmanuel II of Italy death quick facts:
  • When did Victor Emmanuel II of Italy die?

    January 9, 1878
  • How old was Victor Emmanuel II of Italy when died?


Victor Emmanuel II of Italy Birthday and Date of Death

Victor Emmanuel II of Italy was born on March 14, 1820 and died on January 9, 1878. Victor was 57 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 14, 1820
Date of Death: January 9, 1878
Age at Death: 57

Is Victor Emmanuel II of Italy's father, Charles Albert of Sardinia, dead or alive?

Charles Albert of Sardinia's information is not available now.

Is Victor Emmanuel II of Italy's mother, Maria Theresa of Austria, dead or alive?

Maria Theresa of Austria's information is not available now.

Victor Emmanuel II of Italy - Biography

Victor Emmanuel II was King of Sardinia from 1849 until 17 March 1861, when he assumed the title King of Italy to become the first king of a united Italy since the 6th century, a title he held until his death in 1878. The Italians gave him the epithet Father of the Fatherland.