Whitey Witt


Is Whitey Witt Dead or Still Alive? Whitey Witt Birthday and Date of Death

Whitey Witt

Whitey Witt Death

Lawton passed away on July 14, 1988 at the age of 92 in Salem County, NJ.

Whitey Witt death quick facts:
  • When did Whitey Witt die?

    July 14, 1988
  • How old was Whitey Witt when died?

  • Where did Whitey Witt die? What was the location of death?

    Salem County, NJ

Whitey Witt Birthday and Date of Death

Whitey Witt was born on September 28, 1895 and died on July 14, 1988. Lawton was 92 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 28, 1895
Date of Death: July 14, 1988
Age at Death: 92

Whitey Witt - Biography

Lawton Walter "Whitey" Witt (born Ladislaw Waldemar Wittkowski, September 28, 1895 – July 14, 1988) was a professional baseball player. He played all or part of ten seasons in Major League Baseball for the Philadelphia Athletics, New York Yankees, and Brooklyn Robins. In his career, he hit 18 home runs and had 302 RBI. He was the last surviving person to have played on the 1923 New York Yankees team, the first year the Yankees won the World Series.