Yukiya Amano


Is Yukiya Amano Dead or Still Alive? Yukiya Amano Birthday and Date of Death

Yukiya Amano

Yukiya Amano Death

Yukiya passed away on July 18, 2019 at the age of 72.

Yukiya Amano death quick facts:
  • When did Yukiya Amano die?

    July 18, 2019
  • How old was Yukiya Amano when died?


Yukiya Amano Birthday and Date of Death

Yukiya Amano was born on May 9, 1947 and died on July 18, 2019. Yukiya was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 9, 1947
Date of Death: July 18, 2019
Age at Death: 72

Yukiya Amano - Biography

Yukiya Amano (天野 之弥, Amano Yukiya, born 9 May 1947) is the current Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), having been elected to the position in July 2009. Amano previously served as a Japanese diplomat and international civil servant for the United Nations and its subdivisions.
On 1 December 2009, Amano began his first term as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Yukiya Amano said, at the Center for Energy Sustainability and Economics' Nuclear Power Forum, "it is vital that concerns regarding safety and security are addressed. Safety and security are primarily the responsibility of each sovereign state. However, the IAEA has a strong role to play, because an accident or malicious act may have far-reaching and cross-border consequences."
According to Amano, "(t)here has been a very significant improvement in the efficient and safe performance of the nuclear industry in the past two decades. This reflects factors including improved design, better operating procedures, a strengthened and more effective regulatory environment and the emergence of a strong safety culture. The IAEA promotes an integrated approach to nuclear safety, focusing on management systems, effective leadership and safety culture. It is important that countries' safety and security infrastructures keep pace with developments in all areas of nuclear science and technology. We must never be complacent."
Amano was married and spoke English and French, apart from his native Japanese.