Zulme Macneal


Is Zulme Macneal Dead or Still Alive? Zulme Macneal Birthday and Date of Death

Zulme Macneal

Zulme Macneal Death

Zulme passed away on October 13, 2008 at the age of 93 in Hockessin, DE, USA. Zulme's cause of death was complications of pneumonia.

Zulme Macneal death quick facts:
  • When did Zulme Macneal die?

    October 13, 2008
  • How did Zulme Macneal die? What was the cause of death?

    Complications of pneumonia
  • How old was Zulme Macneal when died?

  • Where did Zulme Macneal die? What was the location of death?

    Hockessin, DE, USA

Zulme Macneal Birthday and Date of Death

Zulme Macneal was born on August 24, 1915 and died on October 13, 2008. Zulme was 93 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 24, 1915
Date of Death: October 13, 2008
Age at Death: 93

Zulme Macneal - Biography

Besides being married to the famous Cab Calloway for more then 50 years, Nuffie had many achievements of her own. As a graduate of Howard University with a Master's degree in Sociology where she studied with Dr Erlane Lock, her many jobs brought her in touch with many 'to be famous' people. She worked with Thurgood Marshall as an assistant, and was a civil servant of the Federal government in the Race relations Department of the Federal Housing Authority. In this position she worked under the direction of Dr. Gennar Mydal on his study "An America Dilemma". Nuffie also worked on the study "The Negro in America" for the Carnegie Foundation. One of her friends John Johnson became the publishing giant of Johnson's publications. Starting with Jet Magazine and then Ebony. Nuffie said, "John always had a Jet in his pocket" and asked Nuffie for the news.After moving to Westchester County with her husband and three daughters, Nuffie set out to raise awareness and money for African American children and orphans. She held various board positions and was on many committees such as the Abbott House in Ardsley, New York, the Council for Social Services, Adoption Services of Westchester, the YWCA of White Plains, and she was president of the Marymount Mothers Club in Tarrytown, NY. She was also a member of the Northeasterns, the Links and the Continentials and was a member of the Urban League where she devoted her time to the needs of Children. Cab and Nuffie were voted the Golden Couple of the year in the 1990's. Nuffie also was voted "Woman of the Year" in the 1980's. Nuffie always had time to give back to her community by giving speeches to help with fund raising for many organizations. The Calloways's moved to Greenburgh in the 1950's and stayed for 42 years. In 1965 Nuffie gave a speech at Yale University speaking about "Children in Need, Who's Responsibility". She was guest speaker for the Business & Professional Woman's 9th District Meeting in White Plains; the Connecticut Child Welfare Association regarding "Adoption in the African American Community" and guest speaker for the 3rd Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Ossing, New York. These are just a few of her many contributions to her community.Chris Calloway, her first daughter, passed on August 7, 2008 after her long fight with br**st cancer. Nuffie Calloway is survived by her 2 daughters, Cecilia Lael Calloway of White Plains, and Cabella Calloway Langsam of Hockessin, DE and Santa Fe, NM. She is also survived by many nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren.Zulme "Nuffie" Calloway died from complications of pneumonia, on Monday October 13, 2008, at a nursing facility in Hockessin, DE. She was 93.