Zygmunt Turkow Death
Zygmunt passed away on January 20, 1970 at the age of 73 in Israel.
Zygmunt Turkow death quick facts:
When did Zygmunt Turkow die?
January 20, 1970How old was Zygmunt Turkow when died?
73Where did Zygmunt Turkow die? What was the location of death?
Zygmunt Turkow Birthday and Date of Death
Zygmunt Turkow was born on November 6, 1896 and died on January 20, 1970. Zygmunt was 73 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 6, 1896
Date of Death: January 20, 1970
Age at Death: 73
Zygmunt Turkow - Biography
Zygmunt Turkow (1896–1970) was a Polish actor, director, playwright and director of Jewish origin from Warsaw, who became famous for roles in the pre-war Jewish films and stage plays in Yiddish. His brother, Jonas Turkow, was also a noted actor and stage manager.