Marjorie De Sousa


Is Marjorie De Sousa Dead or Still Alive? Marjorie De Sousa Birthday and Age

Marjorie De Sousa

How Old Is Marjorie De Sousa? Marjorie De Sousa Birthday

Marjorie De Sousa was born on April 23, 1980 and is 44 years old now.

Birthday: April 23, 1980
How Old - Age: 44

Marjorie De Sousa Death Fact Check

Marjorie is alive and kicking and is currently 44 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Marjorie De Sousa's father, Juan, dead or alive?

Juan's information is not available now.

Is Marjorie De Sousa's mother, Mari Gloria Rivas, dead or alive?

Mari Gloria Rivas's information is not available now.

Marjorie De Sousa's brother :

  • Juan Carlos

Marjorie De Sousa - Biography

Marjorie de Sousa is a Venezuelan model and actress of Portuguese descent. She is worldwide known for her villain roles as Camelia Valente in Venevisión's telenovela Gata Salvaje, as Carol in the Televisa telenovela Mariana de la Noche (2003), as Kendra Ferreti in Televisa's telenovela Amores Verdaderos (2012), as Sofía Ripoll / Sofía Fernández in Televisa's telenovela Hasta el fin del mundo (2014) and recently as Cristina Velez, the co-protagonist of Televisa's telenovela, Sueño de amor (2016).