Aaron Hernandez


Is Aaron Hernandez Dead or Still Alive? Aaron Hernandez Birthday and Date of Death

Aaron Hernandez

Aaron Hernandez Death

Aaron passed away on April 19, 2017 at the age of 27 in Lancaster, Massachusetts, USA. Aaron's cause of death was suicide.

Aaron Hernandez death quick facts:
  • When did Aaron Hernandez die?

    April 19, 2017
  • How did Aaron Hernandez die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Aaron Hernandez when died?

  • Where did Aaron Hernandez die? What was the location of death?

    Lancaster, Massachusetts, USA

Aaron Hernandez Birthday and Date of Death

Aaron Hernandez was born on November 6, 1989 and died on April 19, 2017. Aaron was 27 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 6, 1989
Date of Death: April 19, 2017
Age at Death: 27

Aaron Hernandez - Biography

Aaron Josef Hernandez (November 6, 1989 – April 19, 2017) was an American football tight end and convicted murderer. Hernandez played college football for the University of Florida, where he was a member of a BCS National Championship team and was recognized as an All-American. He was drafted by the New England Patriots as the 15th pick in the fourth round of the 2010 NFL Draft. Hernandez was released by the Patriots in June 2013 immediately after his arrest for the murder of Odin Lloyd.
On April 19, 2017, at 3:05 a.m. EDT, five days after Hernandez was acquitted of the 2012 Boston double homicide of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado, correction officers found Hernandez hanging by his bedsheets from the window in his cell at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Lancaster, Massachusetts. He was transported to UMass Memorial Hospital-Leominster, where he was pronounced dead at 4:07 am. He had been smoking K2, a drug associated with psychosis, within thirty hours of his death.

In 2007, Hernandez began dating Shayanna Jenkins, a girl he had known since elementary school. Their daughter was born in 2012, the same month that the couple became engaged and that Hernandez purchased a $1.3 million, 8,130 square foot (755 m2), four-story home with an in-ground pool in North Attleborough, Massachusetts, where the family lived together. Jenkins moved in with Hernandez in 2011, during his second season with the Patriots.
After she discovered him cheating on her, Jenkins moved out but returned in the summer of 2012. During Hernandez's trial for the murder of Odin Lloyd, it was claimed that Hernandez had flirted with and kissed the nanny who took care of his daughter. Jenkins testified in court that she wanted to make their relationship work, and that it required her to compromise on some of his behavior. She told police that she cooked and cleaned and she knew her role. Hernandez and Jenkins never married.