Abraham Beem


Is Abraham Beem Dead or Still Alive? Abraham Beem Birthday and Date of Death

Abraham Beem

Abraham Beem Death

Abraham passed away on March 6, 1944 at the age of 9 in Auschwitz concentration camp. Abraham's cause of death was gassed.

Abraham Beem death quick facts:
  • When did Abraham Beem die?

    March 6, 1944
  • How did Abraham Beem die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Abraham Beem when died?

  • Where did Abraham Beem die? What was the location of death?

    Auschwitz concentration camp

Abraham Beem Birthday and Date of Death

Abraham Beem was born on June 13, 1934 and died on March 6, 1944. Abraham was 9 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 13, 1934
Date of Death: March 6, 1944
Age at Death: 9

Is Abraham Beem's father, Hartog Beem, dead or alive?

Hartog Beem's information is not available now.

Is Abraham Beem's mother, Rosetta Beem-Kannewasser, dead or alive?

Rosetta Beem-Kannewasser's information is not available now.

Abraham Beem's sister :

  • Abraham Beem's sister, Eva Beem, died on March 6, 1944 as he was 11 years old. His cause of death was gassed.

Abraham Beem's brother :

  • Salo Beem

Abraham Beem - Biography

Abraham Beem was born June 13, 1934 in Leeuwareden, Holland. He was the son of a high school teacher and had one older sister named Eva. Abraham was murdered by the Nazis on February 1944 at Auschwitz death camp in Poland just a few months before his 10th birthday. I admire Abraham beacuse of the courage he had while in hiding. Knowing that the Nazis could take him and his family away at anytime. Abraham Beem was a five year old school boy when the Germans invaded Holland in May 1940. Many Jews were forced out of there businesses and banned from working. Abraham's parents decided the family would go into hiding. They felt that they could be safer posing as non-Jews in a village. Abraham and his older sister were sent to the village of Ermelo, and a Christian family, willing to risk death to save them, was found. Abraham was given a new name and identity. He was known as Jan de Witt, and he attended school along with the other children. Abraham survived in hiding for almost two years before the Nazis found him.