Adamari López


Is Adamari López Dead or Still Alive? Adamari López Birthday and Age

Adamari López

How Old Is Adamari López? Adamari López Birthday

Adamari López was born on May 8, 1971 and is 53 years old now.

Birthday: May 8, 1971
How Old - Age: 53

Adamari López Death Fact Check

Adamari is alive and kicking and is currently 53 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Adamari López's father, Luis López Rosario, dead or alive?

Luis López Rosario's information is not available now.

Is Adamari López's mother, Vidalina Torres Montalvo, dead or alive?

Vidalina Torres Montalvo's information is not available now.

Adamari López's brother :

  • Adalberto López

Adamari López - Biography

Adamari López Torres is a Puerto Rican actress known for participating in several Puerto Rican and Mexican soap operas. She is currently a host on the Telemundo morning show Un Nuevo Día.
López was the wife of fellow Puerto Rican singing super star Luis Fonsi. In 2006, López and Fonsi announced they would be getting married during the summer of that year. They were married on June 3, 2006 in Puerto Rico. On November 8, 2009, Adamari López and Luis Fonsi released a joint statement where they announced they were separating. They were divorced on November 8, 2010. In January 2013 López published a tell-all book, Viviendo. On September 20, 2014, López announced that she was expecting her first child with her fiancé, Toni Costa. She gave birth to a girl, Alaïa, on March 4, 2015.

On March 22, 2005, López held a press conference in San Juan announcing she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Her then-boyfriend, Luis Fonsi, announced at the same press conference that he was cancelling his 2005 international tour to be by her side. She was expected to recover, as her cancer was caught at "stage 1," which is a very early stage, and it had not spread to other areas of her body.
She underwent cancer surgery. In 2006, it was reported that she is in remission. Since being diagnosed, she has campaigned for breast cancer awareness.