Alexander Hammid


Is Alexander Hammid Dead or Still Alive? Alexander Hammid Birthday and Date of Death

Alexander Hammid

Alexander Hammid Death

Alexander passed away on July 26, 2004 at the age of 96 in New York, New York, USA. Alexander's cause of death was stroke.

Alexander Hammid death quick facts:
  • When did Alexander Hammid die?

    July 26, 2004
  • How did Alexander Hammid die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Alexander Hammid when died?

  • Where did Alexander Hammid die? What was the location of death?

    New York, New York, USA

Alexander Hammid Birthday and Date of Death

Alexander Hammid was born on December 17, 1907 and died on July 26, 2004. Alexander was 96 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 17, 1907
Date of Death: July 26, 2004
Age at Death: 96

Alexander Hammid - Biography

Alexander Hammid born Alexandr Hackenschmied (17 December 1907, Linz – 26 July 2004, New York City) was a leading photographer, film director, cinematographer and editor in Czechoslovakia between the two world wars. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1938 and became involved in American avant-garde cinema. He is best known for three films: Crisis (1939), Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) and To Be Alive! (1964). He made Meshes of the Afternoon, with his wife Maya Deren—to whom he was married from 1942 to 1947.