André Bjerke Death
André passed away on January 10, 1985 at the age of 66.
When did André Bjerke die?
January 10, 1985How old was André Bjerke when died?
André Bjerke Birthday and Date of Death
André Bjerke was born on January 30, 1918 and died on January 10, 1985. André was 66 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 30, 1918
Date of Death: January 10, 1985
Age at Death: 66
André Bjerke - Biography
Jarl André Bjerke (born 30 January 1918 in Oslo, died 10 January 1985) was a Norwegian writer and poet. His debut was in 1940 with a collection of poems, Syngende Jord (Singing Earth). He has written a wide range of material: poems (both for children and adults), mystery novels (four of them under the pseudonym Bernhard Borge), essays, and articles. He was known as a master translator, and translated works by Shakespeare, Molière, Goethe, Racine, etc. into elegant Norwegian. A central theme in Bjerke's works, especially his poems, is the longing for childhood. André Bjerke was, together with his equally famous cousin Jens Bjørneboe, also known as a prominent proponent of the Riksmål language during the Norwegian language struggle, and of anthroposophy, especially in the 1950s.