André Delvaux


Is André Delvaux Dead or Still Alive? André Delvaux Birthday and Date of Death

André Delvaux

André Delvaux Death

André passed away on October 4, 2002 at the age of 76.

André Delvaux death quick facts:
  • When did André Delvaux die?

    October 4, 2002
  • How old was André Delvaux when died?


André Delvaux Birthday and Date of Death

André Delvaux was born on March 21, 1926 and died on October 4, 2002. André was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 21, 1926
Date of Death: October 4, 2002
Age at Death: 76

André Delvaux - Biography

André, Baron Delvaux (21 March 1926 – 4 October 2002) was a Belgian film director and widely regarded as the founder of the Belgian national cinema. Born in Heverlee, he died in Valencia, Spain. He received the Magritte Honorary Award at the Magritte Awards 2011.