Andrés Benkö


Is Andrés Benkö Dead or Still Alive? Andrés Benkö Birthday and Age

Andrés Benkö

How Old Is Andrés Benkö? Andrés Benkö Birthday

Andrés Benkö was born on December 2, 1943 and is 80 years old now.

Birthday: December 2, 1943
How Old - Age: 80

Andrés Benkö Death Fact Check

Andrés is alive and kicking and is currently 80 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Andrés Benkö - Biography

Andrés Benkö (full name Andrés José Benkö Kapuváry, born December 2, 1943) is the founder of the Universidad Americana of Paraguay (1994). He was president of the Universidad Americana from 1994 to 2013. He previously served as the President of INCADE y Ofor Consultores (1983–1994) and as Manager of Fundación Chile (1979–1982). As the chief executive of Universidad Americana, Benkö represents the university nationally and abroad, while he continues to teach in the MBA program. From 2000–2004, Universidad Americana was listed among "The Best Latin American Universities" and named "The Best University in Paraguay" by the Latin American magazine América Economía.