How Old Is Annette Gerritsen? Annette Gerritsen Birthday
Annette Gerritsen was born on October 11, 1985 and is 39 years old now.
Birthday: October 11, 1985
How Old - Age: 39
Annette Gerritsen Death Fact Check
Annette is alive and kicking and is currently 39 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Annette Gerritsen - Biography
Annette Albertine Gerritsen (born 11 October 1985 in Ilpendam) is a Dutch speed skater. She specialises in the 500 m and 1000 m distances, and won a silver medal in the 1000 metres at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. She is the current Dutch junior record holder in the 500 m (38.57) and her personal best (1.16.14) used to be the world junior record. She also holds the world junior record with her Dutch team mates in the team pursuit (3.12.37).