How Old Is Ariadna Shengelaia? Ariadna Shengelaia Birthday
Ariadna Shengelaia was born on January 13, 1937 and is 87 years old now.
Birthday: January 13, 1937
How Old - Age: 87
Ariadna Shengelaia Death Fact Check
Ariadna is alive and kicking and is currently 87 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Ariadna Shengelaia - Biography
Ariadna Shengelaya (née Shprink) (Russian: Ариа́дна Все́володовна Шенгела́я; born 13 January 1937) is a Soviet actress. She appeared in 33 films between 1957 and 1997. She was married to the Georgian film director Eldar Shengelaya from 1957 to 1980.