Ario Pardee, Jr. Death
Ario passed away on March 16, 1901 at the age of 61 in Wyncote,PA.
Ario Pardee, Jr. death quick facts:
When did Ario Pardee, Jr. die?
March 16, 1901How old was Ario Pardee, Jr. when died?
61Where did Ario Pardee, Jr. die? What was the location of death?
Ario Pardee, Jr. Birthday and Date of Death
Ario Pardee, Jr. was born on October 28, 1839 and died on March 16, 1901. Ario was 61 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 28, 1839
Date of Death: March 16, 1901
Age at Death: 61
Is Ario Pardee, Jr.'s father, Ariovistus Pardee, dead or alive?
Ariovistus Pardee's information is not available now.
Is Ario Pardee, Jr.'s mother, Elizabeth Jacobs, dead or alive?
Elizabeth Jacobs's information is not available now.
Ario Pardee, Jr. - Biography
Ario Pardee, Jr. was an officer in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He rose to fame during the Battle of Gettysburg, where he led the defense of a portion of Culp's Hill on July 3, 1863. A monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield commemorates the spot as "Pardee Field."