Barry Katz


Is Barry Katz Dead or Still Alive? Barry Katz Birthday and Age

Barry Katz

How Old Is Barry Katz? Barry Katz Birthday

Barry Katz was born on July 28, 1959 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: July 28, 1959
How Old - Age: 65

Barry Katz Death Fact Check

Barry is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Barry Katz - Biography

Barry Katz was born in Longmeadow, Massachusetts on July 28, 1959. After graduating from Boston University, with a degree specializing in working with the disabled, Barry started his "alternative" career as a stand-up comic in Boston. It was there that he performed with such established artists as Denis Leary, Bob Goldthwait, and Steven Wright; while also managing various comedy clubs in the New England area for over a decade.In the late 80s, he decided to quit performing and move to New York City, opening up the Boston Comedy Club in Greenwich Village which helped launch the stand-up careers of Dave Chappelle, Jay Mohr, and Dane Cook. Simultaneoulsy, he formed a management company that immediately landed 4 clients on Saturday Night Live which led him to expand his operation to LA where he brokered an unprecedented 75 television development deals.A veteran talent manager at New Wave Entertainment®, Katz has produced several films including Employee of the Month, Good Luck Chuck, and My Best Friend`s Girl; has created two shows (ABC`s The Next Best Thing and NESN`S Comedy All-Stars), and has executive produced over 20 different TV specials, reality programs, and scripted shows including Fox`s Action, HBO`s Tourgasm, History Channel`s Houdini: Unlocking the Mystery, TBS`s Frank TV, and 6 seasons of the Emmy nominated NBC series Last Comic Standing.