Bernard Fein


Is Bernard Fein Dead or Still Alive? Bernard Fein Birthday and Date of Death

Bernard Fein

Bernard Fein Death

Bernard passed away on September 10, 1980 at the age of 53 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Bernard's cause of death was heart attack.

Bernard Fein death quick facts:
  • When did Bernard Fein die?

    September 10, 1980
  • How did Bernard Fein die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Bernard Fein when died?

  • Where did Bernard Fein die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Bernard Fein Birthday and Date of Death

Bernard Fein was born on November 13, 1926 and died on September 10, 1980. Bernard was 53 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 13, 1926
Date of Death: September 10, 1980
Age at Death: 53

Bernard Fein - Biography

Bernard Fein (November 13, 1926, New York – September 10, 1980, Los Angeles, California) was an American actor, television producer, screenwriter and film director.
He is best known for co-creating and associate producing the 1960s American television sitcom, Hogan's Heroes; a show which he also occasionally wrote for, including the pilot episode. He directed only one film, the 1974 Swedish movie Pogled iz potkrovlija.

As an actor Fein's first big break came in 1955 when he landed the recurring role of Pvt. Gomez on Sergeant Bilko which he portrayed through 1959. He appeared regularly as a guest actor on numerous programs from 1959 through 1967 on such shows as The Untouchables, Sea Hunt, Lawman, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, 77 Sunset Strip, Perry Mason, and The F.B.I. to name just a few. He also appeared in a handful of films during this time including The Facts of Life and Robin and the 7 Hoods, among others.