Beulah Louise Henry


Is Beulah Louise Henry Dead or Still Alive? Beulah Louise Henry Birthday and Date of Death

Beulah Louise Henry

Beulah Louise Henry Death

Beulah passed away in 1973 at the age of 85.

Beulah Louise Henry death quick facts:
  • When did Beulah Louise Henry die?

  • How old was Beulah Louise Henry when died?


Beulah Louise Henry Birthday and Date of Death

Beulah Louise Henry was born on February 11, 1887 and died in 1973. Beulah was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 11, 1887
Date of Death: 1973
Age at Death: 85

Is Beulah Louise Henry's father, Walter R. Henry, dead or alive?

Walter R. Henry's information is not available now.

Is Beulah Louise Henry's mother, Beulah Henry, dead or alive?

Beulah Henry's information is not available now.

Beulah Louise Henry - Biography

Beulah Louise Henry was an American inventor. In the 1930s, she was given the nickname "Lady Edison" for her many inventions.Her inventions include a bobbin-free sewing machine and a vacuum ice cream freezer. Though she was awarded around 49 patents over her lifetime, she had around 110 inventions totalEarly Life and EducationShe was born in North Carolina, the daughter of Walter R. and Beulah Henry. She was the granddaughter of former North Carolina Governor W. W. Holden and a direct descendant of Patrick Henry. From 1909 to 1912 she attended North Carolina Presbyterian College and Elizabeth College in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she submitted her first patents.Career as Inventor - New York CityShe moved to New York City by 1924, where she founded two companies. She worked as an inventor for the Nicholas Machine Works from 1939 to 1955. She also served as a consultant for many companies that manufactured her inventions, including the Mergenthaler Linotype Company and the International Doll Company. She lived in New York hotels, belonged to a variety of scientific societies, and never married.InventionsA partial list of Henry's inventions includes:vacuum ice cream freezer US 1037762umbrella with a variety different colored snap-on cloth covers (1924)the first bobbinless sewing machine (1940)"Protograph" - worked with a manual typewriter to make four copies of a document (1932)"Continuously-attached Envelopes" for mass mailings (1952)"Dolly Dips" soap-filled sponges for children (1929)"Miss Illusion" doll with eyes that could change color and close (1935)Hair Curler (1925)Parasol Bag (1925)Umbrella Runner Shield Attachment (1926)Water-Sport Apparatus (1927)Poodle-Dog Doll (1927)Ball Covering (1927)Foot Covering (1927)Sealing Device for Inflatable Bodies (1929)Valve For Inflatable Articles (1929)Henry Closure Construction (1930)Henry Valve for Inflatable Articles (1931)Duplicating Device for Typewriting Machines (1932)Duplicating Attachment for Typewriters (1932)Writing Machine (1936)Multicopy Attachment for Typewriters (1937)Movable Eye Structure for figure Toys (1935)Double Chain Stitch Sewing Machine (1936)Feeding and Aligning Device (1940)Seam and Method of Forming Seams (1941)Sewing Apparatus (1941)Typewriting Machine (1941)Device for Producing Articulate Sounds (1941)Duplex Sound Producer (1944)Continuously Attached Envelopes (1952)Can Opener (1956)Direct and Return Mailing Envelope (1962)Henry was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006