Bob Westfall


Is Bob Westfall Dead or Still Alive? Bob Westfall Birthday and Date of Death

Bob Westfall

Bob Westfall Death

Robert passed away on October 23, 1980 at the age of 61.

Bob Westfall death quick facts:
  • When did Bob Westfall die?

    October 23, 1980
  • How old was Bob Westfall when died?


Bob Westfall Birthday and Date of Death

Bob Westfall was born on May 5, 1919 and died on October 23, 1980. Robert was 61 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 5, 1919
Date of Death: October 23, 1980
Age at Death: 61

Bob Westfall - Biography

Robert Barton "Bullet Bob" Westfall (May 5, 1919 – October 23, 1980) was an American football fullback who played for the University of Michigan (1939–1941) and the Detroit Lions (1944–1947). He was a consensus first-team All-American in 1941 and a first-team All-Pro player in 1945. In 1987, Westfall was enshrined in the College Football Hall of Fame.