Bonnie Tyler


Is Bonnie Tyler Dead or Still Alive? Bonnie Tyler Birthday and Age

Bonnie Tyler

How Old Is Bonnie Tyler? Bonnie Tyler Birthday

Bonnie Tyler was born on June 8, 1951 and is 73 years old now.

Birthday: June 8, 1951
How Old - Age: 73

Bonnie Tyler Death Fact Check

Bonnie is alive and kicking and is currently 73 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Bonnie Tyler's father, Glin Hopkins, dead or alive?

Glin Hopkins's information is not available now.

Is Bonnie Tyler's mother, Elsie Hopkins, dead or alive?

Elsie Hopkins's information is not available now.

Bonnie Tyler's sister :

  • Bonnie Tyler's sister, Amanda, is still alive and kicking.

Bonnie Tyler - Biography

Bonnie Tyler is a Welsh singer. She spent seven years performing in pubs and clubs around South Wales before being signed to RCA Records in 1975. Tyler is known for her distinctive husky voice, resulting from an operation to remove vocal nodules in the mid-1970s.
In the 1980s, Tyler ventured into rock music with songwriter and producer Jim Steinman. He wrote Tyler's biggest hit "Total Eclipse of the Heart", the lead single from her 1983 UK chart topping album Faster Than the Speed of Night. Steinman also wrote Tyler's other major 1980s hit "Holding Out for a Hero". She had success in mainland Europe during the 1990s with Dieter Bohlen, who wrote and produced her hit "Bitterblue". In 2003, Tyler re-recorded "Total Eclipse of the Heart" with singer Kareen Antonn. Their bilingual duet topped the French charts.

In November 2012, Tyler donated a diamante-studded denim jacket to help raise funds for the at-the-time missing five-year-old April Jones. For the 2013 BBC Children in Need charity appeal, Tyler re-recorded "Holding Out for a Hero" for two promotional clips, with the motto 'Be a Hero' to encourage the public in the charity's fundraising campaign.
Tyler married property developer and 1972 Olympic judo contestant Robert Sullivan on 14 July 1973. They have no children; Tyler miscarried when she was aged 39.
Since 1988, Tyler and her husband have owned a five-bedroom home in Albufeira in the Algarve. Tyler had recorded one of her albums there in the late 1970s, and the couple spend much of the year there. In 2005, Tyler was filmed in the Algarve for the Polish entertainment TV show Zacisze gwiazd, which explores the houses of actors and musicians.