Bronson Albery


Is Bronson Albery Dead or Still Alive? Bronson Albery Birthday and Date of Death

Bronson Albery

Bronson Albery Death

Bronson passed away on July 21, 1971 at the age of 90 in London, England, UK.

Bronson Albery death quick facts:
  • When did Bronson Albery die?

    July 21, 1971
  • How old was Bronson Albery when died?

  • Where did Bronson Albery die? What was the location of death?

    London, England, UK

Bronson Albery Birthday and Date of Death

Bronson Albery was born on March 6, 1881 and died on July 21, 1971. Bronson was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 6, 1881
Date of Death: July 21, 1971
Age at Death: 90

Bronson Albery - Biography

Sir Bronson James Albery (6 March 1881 – 21 July 1971) was an English theatre director and impresario. He was knighted in 1949 for his services to the theatre. The Albery Theatre in London was named in his honour and his son, Sir Donald Albery, was also a theatrical impresario.