Caetano Veloso


Is Caetano Veloso Dead or Still Alive? Caetano Veloso Birthday and Age

Caetano Veloso

How Old Is Caetano Veloso? Caetano Veloso Birthday

Caetano Veloso was born on August 7, 1942 and is 82 years old now.

Birthday: August 7, 1942
How Old - Age: 82

Caetano Veloso Death Fact Check

Caetano is alive and kicking and is currently 82 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Caetano Veloso's father, José Teles Velloso, dead or alive?

José Teles Velloso's information is not available now.

Is Caetano Veloso's mother, Claudionor Viana Teles Velloso, dead or alive?

Claudionor Viana Teles Velloso's information is not available now.

Caetano Veloso's sister :

  • Maria Bethânia Viana Teles Veloso

Caetano Veloso - Biography

Caetano Emanuel Viana Telles Veloso, better known as Caetano Veloso, is a Brazilian composer, singer, guitarist, writer, and political activist. Veloso first became known for his participation in the Brazilian musical movement Tropicalismo, which encompassed theatre, poetry and music in the 1960s, at the beginning of the Brazilian military dictatorship. He has remained a constant creative influence and best-selling performing artist and composer ever since. Veloso has won nine Latin Grammy Awards and two Grammy Awards. On November 14, 2012, Veloso was honored as the Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year.