Chester Morris


Is Chester Morris Dead or Still Alive? Chester Morris Birthday and Date of Death

Chester Morris

Chester Morris Death

Chester passed away on September 11, 1970 at the age of 69 in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Chester's cause of death was barbiturate overdose.

Chester Morris death quick facts:
  • When did Chester Morris die?

    September 11, 1970
  • How did Chester Morris die? What was the cause of death?

    Barbiturate overdose
  • How old was Chester Morris when died?

  • Where did Chester Morris die? What was the location of death?

    New Hope, Pennsylvania

Chester Morris Birthday and Date of Death

Chester Morris was born on February 16, 1901 and died on September 11, 1970. Chester was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 16, 1901
Date of Death: September 11, 1970
Age at Death: 69

Is Chester Morris's father, William Morris, dead or alive?

Chester Morris's father, William Morris, died on October 3, 1896 as he was 62 years old.

Is Chester Morris's mother, Etta Hawkins, dead or alive?

Etta Hawkins's information is not available now.

Chester Morris - Biography

John Chester Brooks Morris was an American stage, film, television and radio actor. He had some prestigious film roles early in his career, and was nominated for an Academy Award. Chester Morris is best remembered today for portraying Boston Blackie, a criminal-turned-detective, in the modestly budgeted Boston Blackie film series of the 1940s.