Chinx Drugz


Is Chinx Drugz Dead or Still Alive? Chinx Drugz Birthday and Date of Death

Chinx Drugz

Chinx Drugz Death

Lionel passed away on May 17, 2015 at the age of 31.

Chinx Drugz death quick facts:
  • When did Chinx Drugz die?

    May 17, 2015
  • How old was Chinx Drugz when died?


Chinx Drugz Birthday and Date of Death

Chinx Drugz was born on December 3, 1983 and died on May 17, 2015. Lionel was 31 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 3, 1983
Date of Death: May 17, 2015
Age at Death: 31

Chinx Drugz - Biography

Lionel Pickens (December 4, 1983 – May 17, 2015), better known by his stage name Chinx (formerly Chinx Drugz), was an American rapper from Queens, New York. He was a member of the Rockaway Riot Squad alongside fellow slain rapper Stack Bundles, Bynoe and Cau2G$. Chinx later joined French Montana's Coke Boys group and record label, which also consists of Zack, MeetSims, Velous, and Lil Durk. He was best known for his appearances on the Coke Boys mixtapes and the Cocaine Riot mixtape series. He died from a fatal gunshot wound after a drive-by shooting in Jamaica, Queens on May 17, 2015.