Christopher Wilder


Is Christopher Wilder Dead or Still Alive? Christopher Wilder Birthday and Date of Death

Christopher Wilder

Christopher Wilder Death

Christopher passed away on April 13, 1984 at the age of 39.

Christopher Wilder death quick facts:
  • When did Christopher Wilder die?

    April 13, 1984
  • How old was Christopher Wilder when died?


Christopher Wilder Birthday and Date of Death

Christopher Wilder was born on March 13, 1945 and died on April 13, 1984. Christopher was 39 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 13, 1945
Date of Death: April 13, 1984
Age at Death: 39

Christopher Wilder - Biography

Christopher Bernard Wilder (March 13, 1945 – April 13, 1984), also known as the Beauty Queen Killer, was an American serial killer who abducted and raped at least twelve women, killing at least eight of them, during a six-week cross-country crime spree in the United States in early 1984. His series of murders began in Florida on February 26, 1984, and continued across the country through Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, California and New York before he was killed during a struggle with police in New Hampshire on April 13, 1984.