Chuck Schuldiner


Is Chuck Schuldiner Dead or Still Alive? Chuck Schuldiner Birthday and Date of Death

Chuck Schuldiner

Chuck Schuldiner Death

Chuck passed away on December 13, 2001 at the age of 34. Chuck's cause of death was brain tumor.

Chuck Schuldiner death quick facts:
  • When did Chuck Schuldiner die?

    December 13, 2001
  • How did Chuck Schuldiner die? What was the cause of death?

    Brain tumor
  • How old was Chuck Schuldiner when died?


Chuck Schuldiner Birthday and Date of Death

Chuck Schuldiner was born on May 13, 1967 and died on December 13, 2001. Chuck was 34 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 13, 1967
Date of Death: December 13, 2001
Age at Death: 34

Is Chuck Schuldiner's mother, Jane Schuldiner, dead or alive?

Jane Schuldiner's information is not available now.

Chuck Schuldiner's sister :

  • Bethann Schuldiner

Chuck Schuldiner's brother :

  • Frank Schuldiner

Chuck Schuldiner - Biography

Charles Michael "Chuck" Schuldiner (May 13, 1967 – December 13, 2001) was an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He created the band Death, which he founded in 1983 under the name Mantas. He also recorded as guitarist and songwriter with his other band, Control Denied. Schuldiner is often referred to as "The Godfather of Death metal", and his obituary in the January 5, 2002 issue of UK's Kerrang! magazine said that "Chuck Schuldiner was one of the most significant figures in the history of metal." Schuldiner himself was modest about his part in the history of death metal, noting, "I don't think I should take the credits for this death metal stuff. I'm just a guy from a band, and I think Death is a metal band." Schuldiner was ranked No. 10 in Joel McIver's book The 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists in 2009 and No. 20 in March 2004 Guitar World's "The 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists". Schuldiner founded the publishing company Mutilation Music in 1987, affiliated with performance rights organization BMI.