Claudine Auger


Is Claudine Auger Dead or Still Alive? Claudine Auger Birthday and Date of Death

Claudine Auger

Claudine Auger Death

Claudine passed away on December 18, 2019 at the age of 78 in Paris, France.

Claudine Auger death quick facts:
  • When did Claudine Auger die?

    December 18, 2019
  • How old was Claudine Auger when died?

  • Where did Claudine Auger die? What was the location of death?

    Paris, France

Claudine Auger Birthday and Date of Death

Claudine Auger was born on April 26, 1941 and died on December 18, 2019. Claudine was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 26, 1941
Date of Death: December 18, 2019
Age at Death: 78

Claudine Auger - Biography

An alumnus of the Paris Drama Conservatory, well-proportioned brunette actress Claudine Auger made her screen debut in 1960. Five years later, she played Domino, mistress of master villain Largo (Adolpho Celi), in the 007 epic Thunderball. The most immediate by-product of Claudine's "overnight" stardom was a Playboy spread and a guest shot on an American TV special starring Danny Thomas and Bob Hope. After worthwhile roles in such trendy European films as Triple Cross (1966) and The Killing Game (1967), Claudine Auger's starring career settled into such time-killers as Black Belly of the Tarantula (1972).
When she was on holiday in Nassau, writer-producer Kevin McClory saw her and recommended that she audition for his film Thunderball (1965). The role of Domino was originally to be an Italian woman, Dominetta Petacchi. Auger impressed the producers so much that they rewrote the part to that of a French woman, to better suit Auger. Although she took lessons to perfect her English, her voice was eventually dubbed by Nikki van der Zyl. Auger would claim that she related to her character Domino, as she and Domino were both involved with older men. The most immediate byproduct of Claudine's stardom was a semi-nude Playboy spread.

In 1959, she married writer-director Pierre Gaspard-Huit. They later divorced. She married British businessman Peter Brent in the 1980s. The couple had one child, Jessica Claudine Brent (b. 1991). Peter Brent died in August 2008.