Clement Virgo


Is Clement Virgo Dead or Still Alive? Clement Virgo Birthday and Age

Clement Virgo

How Old Is Clement Virgo? Clement Virgo Birthday

Clement Virgo was born on June 1, 1966 and is 58 years old now.

Birthday: June 1, 1966
How Old - Age: 58

Clement Virgo Death Fact Check

Clément is alive and kicking and is currently 58 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Clement Virgo - Biography

Clement Virgo (born June 1, 1966 in Montego Bay, Jamaica) is a Canadian filmmaker. He co-wrote and directed a six-part miniseries adaptation of Lawrence Hill's bestselling novel The Book of Negroes (2015), starring Aunjanue Ellis, Cuba Gooding Jr., Lou Gossett Jr., Ben Chaplin, Jane Alexander and Lyriq Bent that aired to wide acclaim and a record-breaking 1.7 million Canadian viewers in January 2015 on CBC in Canada. It went on to premiere in February 2015 in the US, drawing landmark ratings for BET (Black Entertainment Television.)