Cristiano Roland


Is Cristiano Roland Dead or Still Alive? Cristiano Roland Birthday and Age

Cristiano Roland

How Old Is Cristiano Roland? Cristiano Roland Birthday

Cristiano Roland was born on October 4, 1976 and is 48 years old now.

Birthday: October 4, 1976
How Old - Age: 48

Cristiano Roland Death Fact Check

Cristiano is alive and kicking and is currently 48 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Cristiano Roland - Biography

Cristiano Rocha Canedo Roland, known simply as Cristiano, is a Brazilian defender who played for CR Vasco da Gama and Grêmio before moving to Portugal, where he played for Beira Mar and Benfica. He ended his career in Vietnam and is currently the Technical Director of Hà Nội T&T in the V-League.